Thursday, August 1, 2019

The Northwestern Fellows

Northwestern Fellows

Jumping high into the air
Filled by the Kellogg fire
Aiming higher than mediocrity
Determined to defy gravity
The drive in their veins irresistible
The energy in their blood incredible
They are as unstoppable as a bullet
Their zeal is like unquenchable thirst
The Kellogg spirit flows in their veins
Filling every corner of their brains
Victory is ever their companion
Africa's future they will champion

Jumping up into the sky
Propelled by the Kellogg cry
Aiming at nothing but excellence
Proclaiming Africa's brilliance
Their hands reaching for stars
Poised to snatch at their goals
That lie beyond the ordinary void
Ever ready to conquer the world
The Kellogg spirit flows in their veins
Filling every corner of their brains
The future has hope in their vigor
They hold the torch for mother Africa


  1. They are striving for the best of Africa..

  2. We are Africans, we believe for more, and hope for great, we are Mandela Washington Fellow and YALI is our tribe. Kellogg is our Nest!
