Monday, October 31, 2022

One Task at a Time


Each task like a goal can only be accomplished

If all the eyes are only on this task focused

And the ears are only to this task playing ball

And the legs are there just to score that goal

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Never Give Up


Never Give Up

The only way to reach the destination is to not stop walking 

Under no circumstance should the feet freeze and cut progress

The flying cannot be allowed to stop until the limit of the sky is reached  

By all means must the temptation to stop midway be rejected  

Trying is not enough until every mile of the race is covered 

The excuses and pleas that say enough has been done are liars 

Not one, not two, but numerous steps are made to cover the distance

Sunday, July 31, 2022

The Making of Rome

The making of rome

When Great Rome is built, it is not built in a day

It takes a whole day to add just one brick

For one brick to be laid, the sun labors from dawn to dusk

Till the numerous bricks all come together

To give Great Rome its elegance and grace

Thursday, June 30, 2022

Learning Without Tiring


When you stop learning you are draining

Your value is dipping, you are eroding

The essence in you is wasting and corroding

Your progress is falling, you are declining

The richness in you is waning and fading

Like flies you are dropping and flopping

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Make It Happen


You see a great mansion now

Where once a void existed

Then it stood only in a mind

In a couple of minds it lived

Till one mind resolved to act

Taking personal responsibility

To lay down the first solitary brick 

And that is how the mansion begun

Saturday, April 30, 2022

Try Again


Try Again

Each time you try again

The obscurity becomes clearer

Cracks begin to appear in the colossus

The impossible no longer seems impossible

It begins to settle deep down that it is possible

Thursday, March 31, 2022

The Spirit Inside


When the spirit, the pillar of strength,

 stands resolute and unassailable

And the will, burning like a flame of fire,

 is absolute and indomitable

Backed by a conviction that stands 

 strong and steadfast

And fueling it all is a motivation

 deep and consummate

The army of challenges simply melts away

The wall of mountains simply gives way

Monday, February 28, 2022

Stay the Course


It is at that moment when thunder roars

In the dark sky, and the flash flood rages

And the earthquake rumbles and grumbles

That the realization sinks deep down

How wise and sensible it was that years ago

While planning and building the house

The foundation got devoted attention

Sacrifices were made to build it strong

Knowing that every drop of sweat was a must