Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Getting Sky High

Are you going to build a pillar
 that is going to touch the sky?
Then take each day and dutifully
  add it to this pillar to get taller
Make each day an important
 building block around the clock
Every day counts no matter
  how fate looks faint or bent
Till the day the pillar now gigantic,
 towering high does touch the sky
When all the days and the moments
 will have become a pillar

It is not a sentence that you
 construct in a passing account
Each experience takes the pillar
 to a newer height in the quest
Every lesson learnt brings it an inch
 closer and closer to the sky
Every effort is like daily bread,
 a source of strength and growth
Till the day the pillar now gigantic,
 towering high does touch the sky
When all the effort and experience
 will have become a pillar

1 comment :

  1. Building success is about paying attention to each experience over time.
