Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Make It Happen


You see a great mansion now

Where once a void existed

Then it stood only in a mind

In a couple of minds it lived

Till one mind resolved to act

Taking personal responsibility

To lay down the first solitary brick 

And that is how the mansion begun

You see a great forest now

Where once a void existed

Though many felt duty bound

That something had to be done

It took one with courage in heart

Taking a seedling in hand 

And planting the first tree

And that is how the forest begun

You see a great highway now

Where once a void existed

Everyone saw the need for a road

But a road never showed up

Till one resolved to take action

Treading where a road didn't exist

And paving the much needed path

And that is how the highway begun


  1. Nothing great happens until someone takes an interest, finds a way, summons courage, and takes action
