When the goal misses the target and the game is lost
Turning to bitterness is not the way to win the game
Neither will blaming the weather of the world win it
Only moving on and trying again is the way to win it all
When you fail to get your hands on that coveted prize
Turning to bitterness will not bring the prize to you
Neither will blaming those who beat you to the prize
Only moving on and trying again guarantees the prize
When your hard-fought attempt comes to a dead end
Turning to bitterness is not going to solve the puzzle
Neither is wasting the time blaming the referee of life
Only moving on and trying again beats the maze of life
When you fail to make it to the summit of your dreams
Turning to bitterness will only further delay the climb
No point wasting the time weighing down your heart
Only freedom from that bondage will fire you to the top
Winners move away from bitterness and avoid the blame game.