Wednesday, May 15, 2019

No Work No Gain

There is going to be no gain
Out of the blank thin air
Only a seed of relentless passion
Cultivated over a period of commitment
A period of tireless determination
Is bound to bring forth
That fruit of unfeigned contentment

The heart is too proud to be
Impressed by mediocrity
Only true passion that will happily
Sweat to the end can command
The genuine all out jubilation
Of the residents of the heart
Over an accomplishment that is so real

Waiting with folded hands
Will not open those doors
That that guard those treasures
Only a determined knocking
Will get those doors to open
Allowing your feet to step across the threshold
Into the palace of your dreams


  1. If you plant and cultivate you will definitely earn the fruit.

  2. Well said, Temwa. Encouraging words
