Tuesday, April 30, 2019

That Little Voice

When that little voice inside the head
Gets busy and noisy
Saying that you are too small for the big goal
That you are not good enough for the star role
It is time to shut the doors of the ears
To keep at bay that noise of jeers

When that little voice inside the head
Gets busy and noisy
Telling you that your big goal is impossible
That you are a mortal too feeble
It is time to remember that the little voice
Will forever dread the world of greatness

When that little voice inside the head
Gets busy and noisy
Mocking your effort as a waste of gold
As an irrelevant speck in the vast world
It is time to flush out that little voice
Like the plague, keeping it at a safe distance

When that little voice inside the head
Gets busy and noisy
Campaigning against your mission to move up
And advancing the agenda of giving up
It is time to stop drinking from that little voice
That little voice is that very poisonous chalice


  1. If there is a little voice in your head that keeps telling you that you cant achieve your goals, ignore it because you are worthy enough to pursue whatever goal you aspire to.
