No one is locking up opportunities from your reach
The creative mind has all it needs at its disposal
There is no shortage but overflowing abundance
Rather than grabbing, there is happy giving
Instead of jostling there is hearty embracing
There is no wrangling, only selfless sharing
In the creative world, supply is infinite
This is a world in which everyone helps others
To see them climb to the very top of achievement
You want to prop others high, not pull them down
You want to bring them smiles, not break them to tears
Success is what you wish them, not devastating failure
You celebrate their success without the taint of jealousy
In the creative world, hate is a myth
What you see in others is not threat but partnership
Every space is filled with contentment and gratitude
The heart goes about business with peace of mind
The energy in you is not spent on equaling others
It goes to forging the best of your own version
It is a world in which there are winners on both sides
In the creative world, the world is a better place for everyone
Develop a creative mindset.