Toiling in a labor in which you have no faith
Is like chasing the wind all the way to the west
Trying to catch it with your bare hands at best
Wasting your time in a boxing match with air
You are all over the place trying to punch the air
It is like meeting a lion and trying to convince it
That the truth is that grass is sweeter than meat
You are trying to beat gravity and break free
By clambering higher and higher up a tree
Why spend your energy where you have no faith
You can only win if you believe in winning
You deserve the win after all the fighting
The hunger and appetite is so great in vigor
That the work is like a delicious meal to devour
Make your goal as visible in your eyes as daylight
And as believable in your heart as a rock of might
Build so strong a faith in your sought after goal
Such that in the grasp of your mind you see it all
No point pursuing what you don't believe.