As you come to this Grand Goal with a capital G
You look up, it appears formidable, impossible
Hovering and towering over you, it’s intimidating
It is simply too complex, it's as gigantic as Titanic
You tremble, dreading taking on so giant a target
Its sight invokes the fearful possibility of failure
And on cue, excuses come running to the rescue
Eagerly you embrace their counterfeit kindness
Replacing the superior Grand Goal with the inferior
And that is how your big dream goes down the drain
When you sit down to a meal you eat it piecemeal
And the body breaks it down further till all is gone
Even a journey of miles is covered step by step
Every step counts the whole duration to the destination
You did pass that exam after days of studious study
Each day consuming a dish of knowledge like porridge
So be it with the noble Grand Goal, day by day a nibble
Hammer it into simple tasks, easy beatable pebbles
It's no longer intimidating, it's doable, it's possible
And that is how your big dream comes to be cream
Break the big goal into simple tasks