Friday, January 15, 2021

Every Other Step Matters

While all the other legs labor

Pushing and kicking 

Dribbling and tackling

Passing and crossing 

The guy who caps it all

With a tap into the goal

Gets all the praise 

And all the applause

While all the other bricks labor

Shaping the palace

Shouldering its weight

Giving it the power

Giving it the glamour

The famous cornerstone 

Gets all the praise 

And all the applause

While all the other steps labor

Taking the flack for stumbling

Crossing rivers and gullies

Slipping now and again

Pushing you higher and higher

The step that lands on the peak

Gets all the praise 

And all the applause

Without the other players

Without the other bricks

Without the other steps

There simply won't be 

The prize, the palace, the peak

That effort won't be there 

That gets all the praise 

And all the applause

1 comment :

  1. Every effort matters even though it is not big enough to win your special attention, it contributes to the ultimate step at which ultimate success is achieved.
