Finding the real solution to a nagging problem
Is like looking for a switch inside a dark room
That has an electric bulb hanging from the roof
Your heart knows there is a switch in the room
But your eyes see not the switch the first time
The eyes need to keep looking over and over again
Knowing the switch is in the room all the same
Changing their area of focus now and then
Sometimes looking up the walls or across the roof
Sometimes looking near the corners or near the frame
Until the switch is found and the light is shone
Like a chameleon that hides under many shades
Now it's green as the leaves, then into yellow it fades
So is the solution you are trying hard to grasp
It's hiding behind this one form or that shape
Now it is a whole rock then a stone or a pebble
Other times it is a wide sea then a lake or a ripple
Still other time it is a huge log then a pole or a stick
You need to keep redefining and refining it to click
The searching eyes will finally corner it in its flight
And the eager hands will stretch out and grab it
And the happy heart will blissfully embrace it
Sometimes the solution is in the same place you just need to shift focus.