That which you set your eyes upon
That commands your strength and zeal
Into which without hesitation
You pour your heart in whole
That is the limit, it's beyond the sky
Not even the sky in all its might
Can stop your desire flying high
Beyond the sky you fly higher and higher
With your ambitious wings
That lift you with a rallying cry
Even overtaking the noisy planes
Leaving them all behind
There is no retreat in dread
There is only determination going ahead
You burst through the sky
With a rocket that scorns at gravity
The limitation of oxygen you do defy
In the quest to reach your ultimate dream
Your unwavering will is like a laser beam
Shattering all the roadblocks asunder
Creating a path where there is none
You shoot out into space
With as much confidence as great Jupiter
In your heart there is a fiery conviction
That can only be matched by the fiery stars
As for the distracting comets and meteors
You brush them aside with discipline
Your goal is simply unstoppable
The limit can only be defined by yourself