"What if I fail?"
Is the roadblock that tries to put an end
To my colorful dreams in their infancy
It's spreading its arms across the road
Keen to block my ambitious strides
It's a menace that is ceaselessly assailing
My resolve to reach my chosen destination
It's flashing in my face a grim reality ahead
That awaits the failure of my young hopes
It's threatening imagined woes to come
That devour my spirit and reputation
It's questioning my abilities to make it
Underestimating the hot firepower in me
It's trying to discourage me at every turn
Trying to make my heart to change its mind
Willing me to retreat and go back behind
To abandon and forget my colorful dreams
Else should I fail, my companions would be
Infamy, embarrassment and humiliation
Thus, over and over again, I have to look hard
In the face of this naysayer inside me and say:
"Failure is part of the success plan
But fear of failure is not."
"What if I fail? I will heartily thank failure."
Don’t let fear of failure block your way to success.