Audio: The Irony of Life
With her uncompromising heavy blows
Drawing pained tears with furious whips
Willing me to stand up stronger
Back on my feet taller than ever
Feeling as victorious as blissful
And thanking life with joyful tears
Life plunges me into deep darkness
Into infinitely dark night of deep sadness
Marked by miseries so abysmally dark
Willing me to come out of there brighter
And experience a day as bright as the sun
Feeling as victorious as a champion
And thanking life with joyful tears
Life pushes me deep down
To the very humble and lowly bottom
Down to a level of total insignificance
Willing me to spring right back to the top
From the most potent springboard
Feeling as victorious as a mighty king
And thanking life with joyful tears
Life weighs my brain down
With the toughest of riddles
In bondage keeps my brain as busy as a bee
Willing me to beat those steely puzzles
Converting them into harmless hobbies
Feeling as victorious as a grandmaster
And thanking life with joyful tears
So life pounds you hard in order to ensure you come through as a superhero.