Worried Little Jonny also called Danny
When will you cease being grumpy?
When will you choose to be happy?
When will you discard the dark strife,
And finally enjoy your tender life?
When I am a boy much bigger and older
When I am a boy all grown up and broader
Then I will be happy, truly happy
Worried Young Jonny also called Danny
When will you cease being grumpy?
When will you choose to be happy?
When will you discard the dark strife,
And finally enjoy your blossoming life?
When I am educated to the brim of my dream
And that is to say, the cream of the cream
Then I will be happy, truly happy
Worried Poor Jonny also called Danny
When will you cease being grumpy?
When will you choose to be happy?
When will you discard the dark strife,
And finally enjoy your healthy life?
When I find a job that pays me money
And every move I make is worth a penny
Then I will be happy, truly happy
Worried Mr Jonny also called Mr Danny
When will you cease being grumpy?
When will you choose to be happy?
When will you discard the dark strife,
And finally enjoy your flourishing life?
When I build a business like an empire
And possess all mansions of my desire
Then I will be happy, truly happy
Worried Old Jonny also called Old Danny
When will you cease being grumpy?
When will you choose to be happy?
When will you discard the dark strife,
And finally enjoy your amazing life?
When I am a boy little and young again
And living a life quite simple and just plain
Then I will be happy, truly happy
Now that is a missed life...