This is so breathtaking
It is lifting the burden of air
Off the panting lungs
And it is pouring in them
Floods upon floods of awesome delight
This is so enchanting
It is weeding away
All the deadly invaders of the mind
And it is bringing back into the mind
Spoils upon spoils of glorious delight
This is so refreshing
It is lifting up the heart
High up into blissful glory
Where there is only a world
Flowing with fountains of unmatched delight
This is so spell-binding
It is stretching the mouth
From one ear to the other ear
And out comes the triumphant cries
Proclaiming the wholesome delight
This is so captivating
It is opening the eyes to boundless horizons
Across splendorous terrains
Giving the eyes a delicious nourishment
Such a feast of wondrous delight
This is so thrilling
It is giving the legs powerful springs of victory
That shoot the spirits of contentment
High up in the happy skies
Where all float in victorious delight
It is the topmost peak
Of a massive mountain of majesty
Climbed over grueling years
Nourished by undying zeal
That kept the goal alive, forever in sight
It is the very gold medal
Emblazoned in honor and prestige
Won after the many trying days
Nourished by undying zeal
That kept the goal alive, forever in sight
It is the graduation fever
When all the learning gets done
After the many years of planting knowledge
Nourished by undying zeal
That kept the goal alive, forever in sight
It is the coveted prize
Earned after the endless years
Of refusing to give up the true ideals
Nourished by undying zeal
That kept the goal alive, forever in sight
It is the winning goal
That invokes a din of celebrations
Following a season of strategy and endurance
Nourished by undying zeal
That kept the goal alive, forever in sight
It is the pinnacle of achievement
The offspring of that goal
Which was set years ago
Nourished by undying zeal
That kept the goal alive, forever in sight
That is why setting a goal matters