You will always be dear to me and my heart
Forever you will live in the castle of my heart
Your absence will bring that castle to ruins
Never will I ever dump you out of this castle
We are glued forever impossible to tear apart
You will always be for me and I for you alone
I will always give you the best love of my heart
Whether in tearful rains or smiling sunshine
You will always be dear to me and my heart
Today I am dumping you out of my heart
You have brought nothing but painful ruins
Never will my eyes ever look at you again
My heart will surely never house you again
Ours are parallel paths that will never cross
Here comes the perfect love of my heart
She will never ever disappoint my heart
And I shall always love her never dump her
Today I am dumping you out of my heart
You will always be my true grandmaster
And I will always be your willing follower
I will always serve you with my every muscle
Your world will always be my true home
Never will my mind stray away from here
There will never be a place more appealing
I love being here and will do so always
My heart and I will always be happy here
You will always be my true grandmaster
Today you are nothing but fake and despicable
Bad and repulsive as scrambled rotten eggs
Foul are the words that roll down your tongue
Devious are your crooked serpentine ways
That dumped me in a heap of a miserable wreck
Never will I ever set a foot in your rotten den
I will go over to the other much better side
Where my heart has always longed to be
Today you are nothing but fake and despicable
I will be the leader of this land forever
A guardian whom all will always love and honor
Have I not built all the amazing monuments?
Have I not created paradise for everyone here?
Don’t the people all sing and dance for me?
Impossible it will be to find a better leader
There is no soul as mighty and as wise as I
My heart will always walk on a red carpet here
I will be the leader of this land forever
Today I am exiled by my ungrateful land
My great honor and wealth all stolen in daylight
Forgotten are the gallant works of my heart
The economy I picked up with my own hands
Yet a horrible betrayal is the thanks I get today
Cast out, double-crossed, deceived and cheated!
Like refuse here I am dumped and trampled
A worthless alien in the eyes of my own land
Today I am exiled by my ungrateful land
The future will always mind his own business...